Friday, September 28, 2012
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Go to the extreme!
Are you the kind of person who finds yourself looking at a piece of clothing, say tighty-whitie, in a store and when you try it on (of course for hygienic reason, you have to try the tighty-whitie on top of the skidmarked tighty-whitie that you already have on), you realize that "Hory cow, this thing hugs me like the way my mum does." At that moment, you know you are falling head-over-heels for that tighty-whitie that you GOTTA buy it and what the heck, since it hugs you like your mum does, you want it in all sorts of rainbow colors?
I think that was the longest question I have ever asked.
Anyway, I am! Not for tighty-whitie of course. Personally white panties are too "pure & innocent" for my liking. I tend to buy a piece of clothing that I like, say a work shirt, in maximum 5 colors (one for each work day of the week).
Many years ago, I took my very first trip to the western (or northwestern, Eh?) part of the world with my parents. It was also my first time traveling with my parents since I was probably 3. Yes I certainly thank Buddha that my parents were so bias that the love they have for my brothers is nothing compared to the love they have for me thus they chose to bring me along instead of my brothers. My brothers ended up staying back in the country, feeding cows, cleaning cow craps, working in the sweatshop and what not. While this princess here got to enjoy the good two weeks trip eating all the heart-healthy-oil-soaking western food. Yes I lugged back with me extra 5kgs.
Anyway, we stayed at a nice downtown hotel. You know how hotels usually give you some crap-o-lotion, shampoos and shower gels. Or maybe you didn't know that since you are so spoiled your whole life you never got to stay in a hotel with shitlike shampoos. We cool people pay hotels in a hourly rate....if you know what I mean..those hotels never provide any good shampoos... and the "lotions" are generally watery and slippery for some reason.
Back to my nice downtown hotel story. This hotel probably had some kind of deal with BBW and they got me hooked on this lotion:
And yes I love it so much I could marry it. (my husband has been telling me to marry so many objects that I love, that sometimes I think he doesn't understand that you cannot make love to a bottle of lotion..... or can you?)
Of course, for people like me, who falls into the tighty-rainbow-colors category, you HAVE TO have them all:
If only they make lubricant in that scent, the world will be perfect then!
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Permanent head Damage
Glued my bum to my seat while developing a brain hemorrhage attempting to write my research manuscript like a PhD person. I am struggling with words as i never talk like a research personnel nor would i even attempt to be like one. ( Too cool for school :P )
Thus i resort to the ultimate storage of knowledge: when i am writing my Acknowledgement page.
Google says:
"Authors cannot thank the reviewers of their article. This could be considered as favoritism or an attempt to encourage reviewers to accept their manuscript for reasons other than scientific merit.
Authors cannot thank those who cannot directly receive their appreciation: that is, authors cannot thank God, Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, Zeus, etc. for influencing or inspiring them. "
There goes my initial plans...
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Oprah says:
Are you afraid of confronting someone in your life who is critical, judgmental or just can't be happy for your success?
Some relationships constantly drain your energy, in both obvious and subtle ways. Several types of people will exhaust you or deter you from your path to living a fulfilled life.
The BlamerThis person likes to hear his own voice. He constantly complains about what isn't working in his life and yet gets energy from complaining and dumping his frustrations on you.
The ShamerThis person can be hazardous to your health. The shamer may cut you off, put you down, reprimand you, or make fun of your or your ideas in front of others. He often ignores your boundaries and may try to convince you that his criticism is for you own good. The shamer is the kind of person who makes you question your own sanity before his.
The DiscounterThis is the person who discounts or challenges everything you say. Often, she has a strong need to be right and can find fault with any position. It can be exhausting to have a conversation with the discounter, so eventually you end up giving in and deciding to just listen.
Since soulful connections require an investment of time and energy, you'll want to choose the people you spend time with wisely. To determine whether a relationship drains you or fuels you, ask yourself the following questions.
I remembered listening to this episode of Oprah when i was in my high school. I reacted in disgust: " What? Toxic friends? Aren't we suppose to love everyone and try to live in peace? "
Needless to say, i am really blessed with great supportive bosom buddies in my yonder years. My pals always have encouraging words , always positive, honest and always believed each one of us have a great potential to achieve great things. We celebrate each others' successes in a grand fashion, never failing to exclaim: " I am so proud of you! " :)
We have our little cafe / mamak / couch sessions, listening and interested in what the other person have to express, uninterrupted. Mutual respect. No one is the center piece, no one the attention seeker, no one the negative criticizer.
No one is put to shame of their weaknesses. The volleyball team in university constantly encourages anyone, everyone to come train with us. We are the most patient bunch, teaching the newcomers and constantly giving encouraging feedback, never giving up or throwing negative criticism and never giving up on anyone. I learnt all these from my volleyball coaches. ( who are my classmates! )
Of course we debate about issues of the world, especially when there's a whole bunch of lawyers between us, but the conversation always ends on a " agree to disagree " note and back to non stop hilarious teasing.
Since i left the safe niche of my bosom buddies, there's always an internal struggle to seek for new friends to similar prototype. Thus, i have learnt the word: 'Unique' and what it really means.
No one is the same.
There are new faces that really splashes bright hues and encourages you to blossom. ( So thankful for these beautiful souls! )
Then there is the toxic being. You asked yourself : If you are slapped once, twice, thrice on the face, will you stand there and let history repeat?
Needless to say, it's unnecessary evil.
Here's a video about: Why women compete with each other.
On another note, from Oprah:
I most want to thank Maya Angelou for helping me to be brave. In my most fearful moments, she has been the one I relied on most, and called first.
Years ago I phoned her complaining about what I've now long forgotten. She shared these words, "Courage is the most important of all th
Some relationships constantly drain your energy, in both obvious and subtle ways. Several types of people will exhaust you or deter you from your path to living a fulfilled life.
The BlamerThis person likes to hear his own voice. He constantly complains about what isn't working in his life and yet gets energy from complaining and dumping his frustrations on you.
The ShamerThis person can be hazardous to your health. The shamer may cut you off, put you down, reprimand you, or make fun of your or your ideas in front of others. He often ignores your boundaries and may try to convince you that his criticism is for you own good. The shamer is the kind of person who makes you question your own sanity before his.
The DiscounterThis is the person who discounts or challenges everything you say. Often, she has a strong need to be right and can find fault with any position. It can be exhausting to have a conversation with the discounter, so eventually you end up giving in and deciding to just listen.
Since soulful connections require an investment of time and energy, you'll want to choose the people you spend time with wisely. To determine whether a relationship drains you or fuels you, ask yourself the following questions.
- Write down the name of a person in your life.
- Am I able to be myself with this person? Do I feel accepted by him/her?
- Is this person critical or judgmental of me?
- Does the relationship provide an even give-and-take exchange of energy?
- Do I feel upbeat and energized when I'm around this person, or depleted and drained?
- Does this person share my values? My level of integrity?
- Is this person committed to our relationship?
- Can this person celebrate my success?
- Do I feel good about myself when I'm with this person?
I remembered listening to this episode of Oprah when i was in my high school. I reacted in disgust: " What? Toxic friends? Aren't we suppose to love everyone and try to live in peace? "
Needless to say, i am really blessed with great supportive bosom buddies in my yonder years. My pals always have encouraging words , always positive, honest and always believed each one of us have a great potential to achieve great things. We celebrate each others' successes in a grand fashion, never failing to exclaim: " I am so proud of you! " :)
We have our little cafe / mamak / couch sessions, listening and interested in what the other person have to express, uninterrupted. Mutual respect. No one is the center piece, no one the attention seeker, no one the negative criticizer.
No one is put to shame of their weaknesses. The volleyball team in university constantly encourages anyone, everyone to come train with us. We are the most patient bunch, teaching the newcomers and constantly giving encouraging feedback, never giving up or throwing negative criticism and never giving up on anyone. I learnt all these from my volleyball coaches. ( who are my classmates! )
Of course we debate about issues of the world, especially when there's a whole bunch of lawyers between us, but the conversation always ends on a " agree to disagree " note and back to non stop hilarious teasing.
Since i left the safe niche of my bosom buddies, there's always an internal struggle to seek for new friends to similar prototype. Thus, i have learnt the word: 'Unique' and what it really means.
No one is the same.
There are new faces that really splashes bright hues and encourages you to blossom. ( So thankful for these beautiful souls! )
Then there is the toxic being. You asked yourself : If you are slapped once, twice, thrice on the face, will you stand there and let history repeat?
Needless to say, it's unnecessary evil.
Here's a video about: Why women compete with each other.
On another note, from Oprah:
I most want to thank Maya Angelou for helping me to be brave. In my most fearful moments, she has been the one I relied on most, and called first.
Years ago I phoned her complaining about what I've now long forgotten. She shared these words, "Courage is the most important of all th
e virtues, without it, you can practice no other." It takes courage to be kind when others are not. It takes courage to be truthful when a lie might suffice. It takes courage to keep moving forward, when you'd rather quit. I've learned that courage, or opting for bravery, is feeling the fear and still doing what is necessary to overcome it. And in the very act of bravery you don't feel brave but just feel what is true and most real.
Ironically one of my most desolate moments, barely being able to speak in between sobs of despair, I called Maya looking for comfort and sympathy. Instead she sternly chided me, "STOP IT" she said. "Stop your crying right now and say THANK YOU!"
"Why would I say thank you for this?" I said. "Say thank you because you know God, and you know He put a rainbow in every cloud. The rainbow is coming. Say thank you even though you can't see it. It's already there."
So in the worst of times, I still remind myself of that great lesson and say "Thank you"…and then prepare to see the rainbow.
Today's rainbow was post on The Daily Love. I took the dogs out at 6am. Sat quietly under the oaks I call the Apostles, (because 12 of them together form a beautiful canopy). It's my favorite spot to Be.
Came back inside read The Daily Love and found the rainbow.
It was exactly what I needed to hear and be reminded.
Ironically one of my most desolate moments, barely being able to speak in between sobs of despair, I called Maya looking for comfort and sympathy. Instead she sternly chided me, "STOP IT" she said. "Stop your crying right now and say THANK YOU!"
"Why would I say thank you for this?" I said. "Say thank you because you know God, and you know He put a rainbow in every cloud. The rainbow is coming. Say thank you even though you can't see it. It's already there."
So in the worst of times, I still remind myself of that great lesson and say "Thank you"…and then prepare to see the rainbow.
Today's rainbow was post on The Daily Love. I took the dogs out at 6am. Sat quietly under the oaks I call the Apostles, (because 12 of them together form a beautiful canopy). It's my favorite spot to Be.
Came back inside read The Daily Love and found the rainbow.
It was exactly what I needed to hear and be reminded.
Friday, September 21, 2012
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Someone once asked: what's the difference between an attention seeker and a narcissist?
I don't have the answers...but did a little digging, wondering why is there a need for attention? Here's a short excerpt of the article.
"The need for attention"
Human beings are social creatures and need social interaction, feedback, and validation of their worth. The emotionally mature person doesn't need to go hunting for these; they gain it naturally from their daily life, especially from their work and from stable relationships. Daniel Goleman calls emotional maturity emotional intelligence, or EQ; he believes, and I agree, that EQ is a much better indicator of a person's character and value than intelligence quotient, or IQ.
The emotionally immature person, however, has low levels of self-esteem and self-confidence and consequently feels insecure; to counter these feelings of insecurity they will spend a large proportion of their lives creating situations in which they become the centre of attention. It may be that the need for attention is inversely proportional to emotional maturity, therefore anyone indulging in attention-seeking behaviours is telling you how emotionally immature they are.
Attention-seeking behaviour is surprisingly common. Being the centre of attention alleviates feelings of insecurity and inadequacy but the relief is temporary as the underlying problem remains unaddressed: low self-confidence and low self-esteem, and consequent low levels of self-worth and self-love.
Insecure and emotionally immature people often exhibit bullying behaviours, especially manipulation and deception. These are necessary in order to obtain attention which would not otherwise be forthcoming. Bullies and harassers have the emotional age of a young child and will exhibit temper tantrums, deceit, lying and manipulation to avoid exposure of their true nature and to evade accountability and sanction.
I don't have the answers...but did a little digging, wondering why is there a need for attention? Here's a short excerpt of the article.
"The need for attention"
Human beings are social creatures and need social interaction, feedback, and validation of their worth. The emotionally mature person doesn't need to go hunting for these; they gain it naturally from their daily life, especially from their work and from stable relationships. Daniel Goleman calls emotional maturity emotional intelligence, or EQ; he believes, and I agree, that EQ is a much better indicator of a person's character and value than intelligence quotient, or IQ.
The emotionally immature person, however, has low levels of self-esteem and self-confidence and consequently feels insecure; to counter these feelings of insecurity they will spend a large proportion of their lives creating situations in which they become the centre of attention. It may be that the need for attention is inversely proportional to emotional maturity, therefore anyone indulging in attention-seeking behaviours is telling you how emotionally immature they are.
Attention-seeking behaviour is surprisingly common. Being the centre of attention alleviates feelings of insecurity and inadequacy but the relief is temporary as the underlying problem remains unaddressed: low self-confidence and low self-esteem, and consequent low levels of self-worth and self-love.
Insecure and emotionally immature people often exhibit bullying behaviours, especially manipulation and deception. These are necessary in order to obtain attention which would not otherwise be forthcoming. Bullies and harassers have the emotional age of a young child and will exhibit temper tantrums, deceit, lying and manipulation to avoid exposure of their true nature and to evade accountability and sanction.
Monday, September 10, 2012
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Monday, September 3, 2012
“Traveling is a brutality. It forces you to trust strangers and to lose sight of all that familiar comfort of home and friends. You are constantly off balance. Nothing is yours except the essential things – air, sleep, dreams, the sea, the sky – all things tending towards the eternal or what we imagine of it"
- Poet Cesare Pavese
Putting yourself in a whole new strange environment triggers mixed emotions of excitement, curiousness splatter with a tinge of fear. One thing's for sure- your mind gets stretched and your perspective of the world and life will never ever be the same again :)
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