Sunday, November 11, 2012

Chummpp Chummppp Chummppp

Why do most asian men like to eat as if they are some fucking cow?

I was sitting alone at the Executive Lounge, sipping my beer (yes I am at a point now where I no longer chug it down), it was all  nice and quiet, great time to gather my thoughts and publish my first blog post since I got here in Suzhou, China a week ago.

Then this mofo came in.  Stared at me, like the way most Asian people do (we love to stare as if people can't tell that we are staring.  And yes I just said "we" because Dan caught me doing that too sometimes).  Then I thought, oh hey this guy is a lil cute.  (Chill, my hubby is the cutest okay)

He sat down at a table across from me.  Started enjoying his food.

Chumpp chummmppp chummmppp slurrrrp slurrrp slurrrrp.

Seriously, it bothered the fuck out of me.  Why do Asian men like that eat that way?  Do they not know that it sounds absolutely disgusting?!?!  If you are a person, eat like one.  If you want to be a fucking cow, go out in the field.

I grabbed my laptop, my phone and beer, moved to another table far away from him.  Call me mean or whatever, but you know what?  I think he got it because he stopped making that elegant noise.

Anyway.........  I wanted to share my day with you today.

My fellow co-workers here from the site took me out to the country today.  The trip was called "Wool Sweater Shopping Trip".  LOL.  Literally.

These friends of mine (yes I believe at this point we are friends, before I left home, I went shopping for lil gifts for them and got them two lil Coach baggies.  They were absolutely overjoyed) they know that I get bored here and they decided to take me out.  The wool sweater place is about 1.5hours bus ride from my hotel.  It was absolutely worth it because we definitely bought a whole bunch of good quality cheap wool sweaters home.  It was also my first time eating handmade "knife shaven noodles".  I really inhaled that thing yo!

It's boring in the city because everywhere you go they are always sardine-packed.  People are rude, they spit, they shout, they stare.  The air stinks like phlegm or vehicle exhaust.  When I was told that we were to go to the country, to be frank, I was a little nervous.  I always pictured that people in the country would be rude and hate the outsides.  Boy was I wrong!  I fell in love with them.  They are polite, they say thank you, goodbye, they don't yell, they slow down (a little bit) when they see that you are crossing the street.  I mean, this is the China that I like!

What I learned today is that, do not judge before you experience it.  I am glad that I didn't act like a prissy biatch and bailed on the girls.  I went and really at one point, I thought to myself, "Welcome to China!"

1 comment:

VickieVic said...

What an adventure! :)