Inspired by PW, who is 80% transparent in his writings. Honestly, i am not even a 20%. In fact, i maybe born an introvert as i use to lock myself in my room when my cousins get too crazy. That's probably more for self protection. :P Chris use to slip notes under my door to persuade me to play with them. Since i came to the States, interactions occurred at a different pace than Malaysians or Asians. In Malaysia, new comers are greeted and we discover each others study interests, work environment and maybe hobbies. Whilst way up north in this part of the globe, locals opened up their arms and snuggle you into their bosoms. By half way through the tete-a-tete, we would learn of their family tree, their favorite colleagues and not so favorites ( this i can never comprehend ), their children's schedules ( school, sports, music classes ), their own schedules from Sundays to Saturdays...
It happened to me in several of my plane flights, my smile just froze on my face. I felt like the "welcome" kitty with a huge grin and it's right paw up. ( Ones you see in Asian restaurants )
It's culture clash, not a negative judgement. It actually propels me to open up a little to the world. A little :)
Three years of residency training will come to a comma in this coming June. It's an age old cliche but i have to say: Oh How Time Flies in a Blink or a Wink! In an exhilarated sigh ( bipolar talk ), i have successfully aged myself or rather Residency has advanced the hands of time! ( It's always easier to blame it on the 3rd party :P ). My colleagues and I stared at our 3 year old name tags in amazement. We gasped at the innocence, how tout our skin were and What a smile! A thoroughly blissful, captivating smile filled with satisfaction that we made it into the "Real-World. "
Then we spotted a glimpse of ourselves at the mirror...It's a crinkle , not a wrinkle. :)
Hence, Therefore, However! I will not trade in any of the choices i have made! :)
Speak of which, how odd is it that we perceive ourselves physically through our reflections! The mirror or captured photos. I wonder how accurate those reflections are. Maybe Picasso is right after all.
Comma, not full-stop, as shall be embarking another 2 year long journey in sub-specialty training to qualify for a rank in the family of " subspecies ":)
It's amazing how technology conforms and reforms our surroundings and invade our consciousness. My cuzzo Tiffie got me addicted to Draw Something, an app in iPhone which is basically Pictionary/ Charades in a sketching form. My pal drew: A computer monitor, a keyboard and an object with a wire hooked to the keyboard. " Mouse " i typed in exhalation. Another example that i have never been able to erase off my brain: In my university days, my pal drew a shop that sells dresses and wrote "mega mall, 3rd floor". Everyone was puzzled. She exclaimed: " Eclipse! "
What ever happened to Mouse- the animal and Eclipse- the moon?
I'm an addict to words.
I'm an addict to words.
PS: Have you ever heard of an angry sneeze? Imagine yourself caught in a difficult / confrontational / fist filled situation, and your opponent sneezed....:D That angry plot won't work well after that aye? :P
With Frank Sinatra serenading: " Come dance with me ."
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