Wednesday, May 23, 2012

A hole in one

Twas a funny day. I didn't planned it to be one. Perhaps tis what they call : Happenstance :)

At Starbucks, the waitress shouted out: "What can i get you?"
"Hot chocolate please."
"What size?"
- Placed one palm at the level of my neck and the other at the level of my belly button -
Then i heard burst of laughter.
"Wow! Didn't know you carried that cup size!" Chimed a customer.

There is this primary care doctor who has a rather peculiar habit. She would call to the Gastroenterology Team room: " Hello this is Dr.X i have a patient with loose stools for several days and some black stools with occasional nausea ..."
Victim ( Flustered me ) : " HOLD ON THERE! I'll let you talk to the Staff Doctor."
You will hear no " Good Morning, I am Dr. X, is there a Staff Doctor around? "
Oh no, she won't even ask who answered the phone.
Her verbal diarrhea is impeccable!
Imagine if the JANITOR answered her phone call and she throws at her victim her gruesome stories of stools and blood!

My staff came storming out of the colonoscopy room yelling: "OMG It's raining stool in that man's colon!!"

Other weird incident:
I was in the Emergency Department, when a patient stared at me and asked: " Doctor, are you from Mexico?"
The white face, slanted slit eyed me replied: " No but you are definitely drunk."

Somehow, customers of a particular restaurant kept dialing the wrong number to order for food. My friend's frustrated dad answered the 5th call.
Customer: " Hi i would like to have char kuey tiaw ( chinese noodles )."
" Ok, what else? "
" Hokkien mee, wanton soup."
" Today no more wanton soup."
" Ok, just hokkien mee then. "
" That's it? You can pick it up in 10 minutes. "
We were rolling our bellies on the floor :D

Note to self: Next time, just play along! :)
Life is short. Smile when you still have teeth :)


Jackie said...

Hahaha I am laughing so hard right now.

Teochew Kelz said...

Come to think of it, you do look like a Mexican, senorita! hehe