Saturday, November 2, 2013


As I was laying on my sofa earlier reading my no brainer book, I can't help but noticed the view out of my windows.  I am truly blessed.

I am very thankful.

I am thankful for the life my parents have given me.

How I wish you are right here with me, I have a feeling you are looking down from above, watching me everyday and being proud of the me of who I have become today.  Of course, I am sure you frown at the sight of me smoking like a chimney or being obsessed with my dirty book collections or drinking like a fish.

I lead a good life.

I feel loved.

To everyone who's touched every path of my little, but contented life, I thank you, from the bottom of my heart.

I leave you with this:

Oh, Formula 1 tomorrow.  I wonder if my brother is coming to watch it with me?

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