Monday, April 23, 2012

Overheard at Bariatric Clinic

Hypothesis: To my horror, skipping meals actually causes weight gain in the long run! Such contradiction!
Prediction : All interns should be struggling to fit into their pants by Year Three from all the breakfasts and lunchios that were forgotten due to constrained schedule. 
Experimentation : ( Through retrospective observation )  Skipping at least one meal a day during intern year while subconsciously did so in delight that we remain stick thin for life from all the starvation! Hurray! 
Result : A size 0 shopping for size 4 in third year. 
Discussion : Skipping meals puts our body in starvation mode, an energy conservation setting of our body's metabolic machinery that promotes fat storage and discourages calorie-burning. Plus we run the risk of food binging and malnutrition! 
I learnt all this today in Bariatric Surgery Clinic in my size 4 pants.

In a lighter note, the best health advice I have heard was sung by Sinatra.

You can go to extremes with impossible schemes.
You can laugh when your dreams fall apart at the seams.
And life gets more exciting with each passing day.
And love is either in your heart, or on it's way.

And if you should survive to 105,
Look at all you'll derive out of being alive!
And here is the best part, you have a head start
If you are among the very young at heart.

Stay young at heart :)

Photo credits to my travel buddy who went to Siam Reap. 



Teochew Kelz said...

No wonder I am growing out of my pants... Is there a certain way to starve so that the weight will go to my boobs??

VickieVic said...

Trust me Kelz, doesn't work..:P