Friday, October 25, 2013

How do you want people to see you?

Do you use Facebook?

I do.  I log into my Facebook a few times a day.  I don't usually post anything up, not that many status updates.  I stalk people generally.  I log in everyday to see what's new in their life, what they ate for dinner, where they went to for their anniversary, is their kid potty trained, how they think their kids are very cute, how often they train for their marathon, how much they have run for the day, how much alcohol they have consumed, how many places they have traveled, how happy they are with their life, how beautiful their wedding was, how great it is to be alive.... etc.

To me, Facebook is a place where you want to showcase your life, the way you want people to see it.

I can pretend to be artsy and post all the famous paintings that I pretend to admire, I can pretend to have traveled the world a lot but posting up pictures of Vienna, Italy, Germany, Japan, Korea, etc.  I take a picture of my food every time before I eat, to pretend that I am a foodie, I take picture of my alcohol each time before I consume it (ahem... I am one of these), I can do a lot of stuff to make you think that, hey this person has in depth knowledge of arts, he/she appreciates arts in its true form, this person has such good life, he/she travels so often, wow, it is nice to have so much money to eat out every other day at a fancy restaurant, wow this person sure has such high tolerance for alcohol, he/she drinks all the time, must be some sort of "Ah Lian/Ah Beng".

I can do anything to trick you to think that I am this person that I am actually not.

Does it make sense?

I log in to my Facebook everyday and I rarely see anyone post about how they hate their life, how they hate their job.  People always want you think to that they are perfect.  They lead a good life.

And you know what?  We are not perfect.  Life is as good as we want it to be.  Be true to yourself and don't pretend that you are somebody you are not.

Here you go, my Friday post.  Just thought of this as I browsed my Facebook today sitting on a toilet.

By the way, same thing goes to a blog.  You read what I write.  I can pretend to be happy or sad.  You have no idea what's going on in my mind.  You have no idea what I am wearing.

I am actually naked right now.

It is chilly.

Happy Friday!

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