Friday, November 1, 2013


8AM: Met resident B. Started learning about my new patients.
830AM: Pager went off. New consult. Started learning about new consult.
845AM: Boss M called, apparently I have a new resident K from a different local hospital and medical student G from China. Exchange resident/ student. Great! Went to pick them up.
915AM: Went off with student G to see new patient.
930AM: Met up with resident B in lounge.
10AM: Boss J showed up and we started rounding ( seeing patients ). Only saw patient 1.
1030AM: Walked to library to meet Boss H to discuss about a complicated patient.
11AM: Went back to see patient 1. Paged neurologist. Called lab about forms. Talked to nurses about orders. Placed tonnes of orders.
1115AM: went to see patient 2-4.
1200: Met with resident K and colleagues, got lunch at cafeteria and went to conference.
115PM: Sent resident J to thyroid clinic to help a colleague. Went to see patient 5-6.
2PM: Completed rounds. Sat down with student G and resident K to find out what their goals are for this month. Planned for Monday with team.
230PM: Wrote notes. Call Cleveland clinic. Think Think Think about cases. Pager went off and off and off.
3PM: Analyzed faxed records from Cleveland Clinic.
330PM: Brought student G and another new student (?name) to Saraga- they went wild shopping for asian food. Pager went off and off and off. Called while driving ( bad idea )
5PM: Finally came home.
I love my huge team...i think i can manage team...
----- Brain dead -----

PS: Gila monster = (crazy monster) only eats twice/ year because of a protein called exendin 4 in their saliva that tells the brain the body is full and slows down gut motility. It was discovered by some dude ( who is filthy rich now ) and made it into a drug for treatment of diabetes!
-- End --


Teochew Kelz said...

Ahh... Fall is here..... :)

Teochew Kelz said...

Your day seemed crazy! Sorry you have to work so hard but your patients and exchange residents are lucky to have you!