Monday, April 23, 2012

Happy Monday!



Quote of the Day:

“You’re the one who got me sick!  Now that I am sick, you don’t even let me finger you?!” ~DD

Did you just say “eww”?  You sicko!

See, I had strep and of course DD, whom I call husband on good days, got that from me.  DD’d been preparing for his final exam and was rather unhappy with the fact that he got my precious gift of strep bacteria.  So when I got home from work, he greeted me with the finger. (Now that I typed this here, the whole gesture sounds kinda abusive.  Just to clarify, it was the ring finger he gave me, but in our household it’s almost the same deal)

Obviously I was NOT happy!  Felt rather abused, I told him to put that damn finger away!  Then out of nowhere… he blurted that Quote of the Day.  LOL!!  Best thing I heard, totally brightened up my Monday.

Do you have any great quotes you would like to share?

1 comment:

VickieVic said...

Kenapa? Drink some vodka :) Will be better tomorrow!:)