Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Vino O' Vino

Well, I am no wine expert but I have to say, I sure love to drink wine.  If I don't try to limit myself, I would go through a bottle a day (if it is red; 1.5 if it's a white but who the hell drinks white wine anyway? kidding!)

So I joined this wine club where they would send me 12 bottles of wine once every 3 months - which doesn't make sense to me, since 12 bottles would only last me for 2 weeks.

I have to say, they do send some good ol' red wines.  The whites are not my favorite, but I gotta mix in a few whites just to make me look less of a racist.

Anywaaaaaaay, just wanted to say, if you are interested in wines, I highly recommend this wine club.

PS: Sorry, I have no idea what to write about today, was thinking to write about my menstrual cycle but really, who would be interested in hearing that.  Any suggestions what I should bitch about in here?


Tim said...

Do you have wine cellar?

I have to say, while I rarely drink, I do prefer the reds over whites also. I guess I'm a self-hating white guy :(

Teochew Kelz said...

Have I told you that you are funny? Oprah might be able to help you with your self-loathing personality.