Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Reality Bites

Apparently I wrote the following post two weeks ago and didn't hit the "Publish" button.  Here you go!

I turned on the TV this morning and they said "Good Things Happen to Good People".

I wanted to laugh so hard!

A friend once told me, "My mum suffered from cancer.  One day she cried and she asked this question: I didn't do anything bad in my life, in fact I helped people whenever they need.  Why did God choose me to the one to bear with this disease."

You may say, God chose her because he knows she can handle it and there must be a reason behind.

God chose her because God wants to probably make her family suffer through it.

Okay, I sort of lost of train of thoughts here.  Either way, life is cruel but hey, you will live through it no matter what!


Tim said...

I'm an atheist, so God doesn't really factor into my views.

No one escapes death, and unfortunately it can happen much sooner than it should for those that don't deserve it.

It's a good reason to do the things you want to do now, because you never know when you won't be able to.

Teochew Kelz said...

Well said Timmy, well said. And thank you for supporting our blog :)